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Indian Chamber of Commerce Tamil Nadu State Office

About the State

Tamil Nadu is the fourth-largest state of India. Located on the southern coast of India, Tamil Nadu is surrounded by Andhra Pradesh on the north, Karnataka and Kerala on the west, Indian Ocean on the south, and Bay of Bengal on the east. The state has a diversified manufacturing sector and features among the leaders in several industries like automobiles and auto components, engineering, pharmaceuticals, garments, textile products, leather products, chemicals, plastics, etc. It ranks first among the states in terms of the number of factories and industrial workers.


Tamil Nadu’s gross state domestic product (GSDP) is estimated to be Rs. 24.85 trillion (USD 320.27 billion) in 2022-23. The state’s GSDP increased at a CAGR of 11.27 percent between 2015-16 and 2022-23. In 2020-21, the tertiary sector contributed 54.33 percent to the state’s Gross State Value Added (GSVA) at current prices, followed by the secondary sector at 32.72 percent.

Social Sector: Health

In the Budget 2022-23, Rs. 17,733 crore (USD 2.28 billion) has been allocated to the Health and Family Welfare Department. The state has a 3-tier health infrastructure comprising hospitals, primary health centres, health units, community health centres & sub-centres. As of May 2020, the state had 34 district hospitals, 319 sub-district health centres, 1,976 primary health centres, 8,725 sub-centres & 449 community health centres.


Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state’s literacy rate is 82.09 percent in 2022, which is above the national average. The state also achieved about 100 percent Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education.

Key Industries

Agricultural and allied industries






Automobile Industries


Major state policies

  • Tamil Nadu Electronics Hardware Manufacturing Policy, 2020
  • Aerospace and Defense Industrial Policy, 2019
  • Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2019
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT) Policy 2018
  • Highways and Minor Ports Department Policy Note-2017-18
  • Tamil Nadu Industrial Policy 2021


ICC Tamil Nadu State office

The Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has inaugurated its Tamil Nadu State office and State council and intends to work with the Tamil Nadu government to contribute towards economic growth. Mr. Pashupathy Gopalan has been nominated as the Chairman and Mr. Shivkumar Eashwaran as Co- Chairman respectively of the Tamil Nadu State Council. The state council will facilitate industries in the Southern region through policy dialogues with relevant Government departments and Industries and develop an effective network to monitor the implementation of policy recommendations put forward by the council.

Tamil Nadu state council is also expected to focus on organising workshops, stakeholders’ interactions, seminars and large scale B2B and B2G events in the Southern region. ICC will also built a distinct social media connect and actively engaging with relevant stakeholders and society at large through various social media platforms.

Current / Upcoming Events