B u i l d i n g   B r i d g e s
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B u s i n e s s   S i n c e   1 9 2 5


The ICC, though is headquartered in Kolkata, has it’s footprints all across the country, and has truly emerged as a National Chamber of Commerce. Apart from the head-office, the Chamber has Regional / State offices in  New Delhi, Mumbai, Guwahati, Bhubaneshwar, Hyderabad, Agartala,Siliguri and Ranchi and acts as a strong bridge between Industry and Governments in these regions by bringing all relevant stakeholders together. The Chamber believes that for growth to be inclusive and sustainable, it has to address industry problems & governance deficits at the sub-national and local levels, and thus has a strong focus upon key issues of regional importance. The ICC builds strong networks in the states & regions and drives meaningful initiatives pertaining to strategic sectors ranging from Agriculture to Services, at regular intervals, and thus acts as a catalyst to regional economic development.

The Department is headed by Dr. Rajeev Singh